I thought talking about the NEW! :

would be SO much better.
I know, I know, I am a horrible YYY's fan to have downloaded the album, but it leaked and I couldn't resist! It is out on iTunes right now, but I am waiting for the CD (that I'm actually going to purchase), so don't get your panties twisted just yet.
Anyway, I have to say it is fucking amazing.
It's nothing like Fever To Tell,
if anything, it's a lot less grime and a lot more "Maps"
I'm not sure how to explain it, but you can definitely bake cookies to this CD.
Here's some tracks:
You can sortof hear a little bit of Cansei de Ser Sexy in this track.
And this one has to be my favorite track.
That's pretty much it.
Don't expect a music post like this from me on the daily. I'm not the music-blog type of person, seriously. I just really love the Yeah Yeah Yeahs is all :)
I think this has to be the most informative post I've ever made in a blog, ever.
Oh, of course I couldn't leave you without a video as well
(This whole video was shot here in good ol' San Francisco !) :)
neen told me denise saw them filming this!