(at least at the last 2 shows I've been to)
They haven't failed to deliver the noise, and I garauntee you they won't fail to make you sweat your brains out.
I (sortof, kindof) remember the first time I've seen the Tenderlions live at Blow Up exactly a month ago, and boy was it insaaaaane! Admittedly, I was pretty fucked up that whole night and can vaguely remember much of what happened, but I can honestly say that I remember going nuts during their set. I wasn't mentally prepared for them to completely blow my mind with their clever remixes of the classic House of Jealous Lovers and Shimmy Shimmy Ya (which was ama-zing!), but they did.
Here's a taste of that night:
So good!
And of course the last time I saw them was at the BFD pre-party! Another video of their performance that night surfaced, so I thought I'd share so we can play a game of "spot me!" hahahah! As stated in my previous blog about the pre-party, it's safe to say that their set was a major part in the insanity that was my night that night. So much sweating and dancing and hand-clapping involved! And a guy in a fucking lion suit! A LION SUIT. Yes, a lion suit. Amazing.
The track playing in the vid is one of my favorites by the Tenderlions called "Karate Chop"
Check it out on their page!
And keep your eyes and ears peeled for these boys, they're doing shit BIG.
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